This website firstly was published on May 1, 2003, in Hamminkeln/Germany. The latest update took place on January 24, 2025.
Here you find the bishops of the Catholic Church and it’s jurisdictional circumscriptions since 1820.
The Dioceses
Africa (Malawi – Z [Central African Republic])
North America (Bahamas – Saint-Pierre)
North America (USA, Albany – Newark)
North America (USA, New Orleans – Youngstown)
South America (Argentine – Brazil, Eunápolis)
South America (Brazil, Feira de Santana – Zé Doca)
South America (Chile – Colombia)
South America (Paraguay – Venezuela)
Asia (K [Cambodge] – Philippines)
Europe (Italy, Acerenza – Cosenza)
Europe (Italy, Crema – Muro Lucano)
Europe (Italy, Napoli – San Severino)
Europe (Italy, San Severo – Volterra)
Europe (Slovenia – U [Hungary])
The Clandestine Hierarchy during Persecution
Synod and Bishops‘ Conferences
Statistics of the College of Bishops
The Holy See
Roman Curia (Secretariate of State and Dicasteries)
Roman Curia (Courts and Commissions)
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, A – B
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, C
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, D – F
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, G – L
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, M
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, N – Q
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, R – So
Diplomatic Staff of the Holy See, Sp – Z
Diplomatic Corps at the Holy See
The Pontificates‘ Length of the Bishops of Rome
The College of Cardinals
Statistics of the College of Cardinals
The Consistories of the 21st Century
The Consistories of the 20th Century
The Consistories of the 19th Century
Saints, Blessed and Servants of God in the Episcopacy
Appointments and Necrologies (1818 – 2025)